The Food Security and Livelihoods Program focuses on projects that aim to break the cycle of poverty and meet emergency needs of food.

Projects are used to promote economic and social development.

It also aims to help secure the resources needed to generate income, as well as to provide sustainable livelihoods for the current and future generations and to enhance their well-being.

we work on Ensure food security and sustainable development by improving the lives of the most vulnerable through promoting the sustainable use of available resources, including equitable sharing, and sharing of benefits arising from implemented projects.

Focus on people who are not able to produce enough food and income or do not have the means to obtain the minimum family requirements for an active and healthy life.

Space of Peace seeks to provide emergency food assistance to the most vulnerable groups of IDPs and residents of host communities who are unable to provide their survival needs, SOP focusing on projects which capable of finding a self-sustaining food and income source to make them self-reliant.

Space of Peace team completed qurbani Project in north Syria, after distributing to families in Idlib SOP team relied on the priority of distribution to orphans and widows in addition to most in need families It has also provided wheelchairs and aids to those whose limbs. were damaged during the events in Syria.

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The overall objectives of the Food Security (FSL):

To improve the food security status of assessed food insecure people by emergency life-saving and regular life-sustaining food assistance.

To improve the health situation of assessed vulnerable IDPs and host community through raising the life condition interim of food.


Emergency Food Security & Livelihoods:  Mitigating new risks and challenges arising from crisis, responding by emergency food kits distribution, and promoting positive coping strategies in the scarcity of emergencies feeding access.

Financial Services:  Contribute to self-reliance and strengthen the capacity of Governments, local communities, and regional organizations by integrating capacity development through income-generating activities ranging from micro grants and small business management training to restart businesses.

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