
The WASH program works on providing clean water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene to maintain a healthy life and reduce the transmission of water-borne diseases.
Issues related to environmental sanitation where there are provisions for latrines and to develop and promote the prevention of ill health through awareness-raising. Requirements for personal hygiene and waste removal are some basic services provided to beneficiaries.

Create a clean and healthy environment: Cooperate with local authorities in the effective management of solid waste and the distribution of hygiene kits to maintain hygiene in families, communities, and schools.

Promoting hygiene awareness levels: Focus on key home practices, with innovative ideas to maintain effective awareness sessions.

Adequate emergency preparedness: Plan to ensure the best response to emergencies with appropriate interventions.

Providing assistance to vulnerable families to ensure access to usable water in a clean environment with improved sanitation and hygiene with sustainable and stable interventions.

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