
The protection sector in our organization contributes to reducing risks and mitigating the impact of individual, violence, coercion, deprivation and ill-treatment of individuals or groups in the context of humanitarian crises.

Space of peace conducted many protection projects and seeks to implement the protection services specialized and non-specialized in CP and GBV including PSEA network activities in addition to protection monitoring (Outreach).  

SOP conduct protection activities by supporting financially and technically of Community Center (CC) including women and girls’ safe spaces (WGSS), Child-Friendly Spaces (CFs), and outreach, which target hosting and IDPs (men, women, boys, and girls) in focusing on vulnerable groups like (PWD, orphans without a breadwinner, women-headed houses, elderly. ETC) 

To improve the overall protection environment and mitigate the protection risks in communities. the projects aim to improve access quality and life- saving GBV response services to put measures in place to prevent and mitigate risks of GBV, besides to increase more equitable access for boys and girls to quality child protection interventions in a targeted location in line with child protection minimum standards in humanitarian action. Inaddition working on Safe, accessible, child-sensitive reporting mechanisms are in place for PSEA.

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The projects also monitor the protection risks faced by the IDPs and the host community in addition to monitoring the human rights and the accessibility of services. Collecting this information help also humanitarian actors respond more effectively to the needs in the location.

Gender-based Violence (GBV): 

GBV Survivors have access to quality specialized GBV services and measures are in place to prevent and mitigate risks of GBV. 

 Child Protection (CP):

Increased and more equitable access for boys and girls to quality child protection interventions in targeted locations in line with the Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action (HRP indicator). 

 Protection monitoring (Outreach):

The protection of population affected by the crisis is improved through community-based and individually targeted protection interventions and through advocacy with duty bearers.


Safe, accessible, child-sensitive reporting mechanisms are in place for PSEA of children and adults who have access to an UN-supported PSEA reporting channel  of children and young people reached through awareness activities and community mobilization on.

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